Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Women Drivers!

Yes, I am one of them. But I don't think I drive like one.
I have been driving for the past 2 weeks and within a week, I started swearing behind the wheels. That was me - 8 years ago when I drove to work everyday!
Today, one lady driver pissed me off completely. I was cruising nicely on the extreme right lane when she abruptly cut into my lane and for every 200m she stepped on the brakes! What is freaking wrong with her?! Does she realize that her actions could have caused an accident? Drivers like these should NOT be on the road!

Shopaholic Series

I started reading Sophie Kinsella books in 2006 - I remembered grabbing one of her books at the airport. It was a long haul flight and I fell in love with the way she writes. I think I have read all her books and you can imagine how excited I am when I found out that there is a movie coming out for Confessions of a Shopaholic. Yes, I am watching it with girlfriends this Friday.

Now, I am a little hesistant - as I read her books, I have also imagined the whole scene in my head. What if the movie does not match the image I have created? I don't want to be disappointed.

My $80 per week budget

I want to become richer. I want to keep track of my expenses.
Few weeks ago, I told myself that I have to have a weekly budget. I shared my thoughts with some colleagues and they too wanted to do the same.
For that $80 per week budget, I know I have to change my lifestyle. It's going to be tough initially but I'm sure I can do it. I decided to take small changes and I shall begin with...

1) replacing premium coffee like mocha wiith Kopi no C - yes, possible. Can be done. What did I do? I stopped buying coffee altogether and made my own Nescafe.

2) Tah Pao food from home - yes. done. I have been waking up early for the past few days to prepare lunch for hubby and decided to pack lunch for myself.

3) Collect coupons for any discounts - McD, Carrefour... in case I need to top up food in the drawer in the office.... hahahah..

4) Take public transport... yes done. Take taxi but at non peak hour... I will get to MRT and LRT and feeder buses.

Wish me luck my friends...

Monday, March 09, 2009


I don't like the feeling of being betrayed. I feel resentful, furious, hurt and my trust towards that person just shatters. I cannot believe I actually thought that the person I knew for some time as honest and fair was actually manipulating me to exploit my experiences and talent. It does not help either that recently I found out the plan.

Friends are not easy to make and keep. But once this trust is shattered, no matter how much one tries to rectify the situation, the damage is done. I will move on but for now, let me hate you for what you did.

Frontal Nudity

It irks me to see women post work out session walk around naked in the changing room. I think it is simply rude - regardless whether one has a great body or one's body is covered with layers of fat.
Last Friday, I was waiting in line to go into the shower when this 40 something year old lady decided to stroll in front of me, naked. I can tolerate seeing women's buttocks and back but this woman was happily walking bare bodied. Oh my goodness, what happens to respecting other people's personal space?

I know, if ever someone stands in front of me naked while I'm getting dressed I would do one of the following:
a) smack the person's arse
b) pinch their headlights


Mr SnowMan

My lil one goes to Arts and Music class every Sat. Last week during Arts lesson, he and his friends had to draw, color and build a snowman. I was with him throughout, giving him directions as he put the snowman together. Towards the end, the teacher gave each one of them some cotton wool and told them to paste it on the snowman. Adli got very excited playing the glue and pasting the cotton wool on the snowman. When his Abah came into class to join him, he proudly showed Abah his artwork. He said, " Abah, Snowman Got Janggut!"