Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Trucks Trucks and more trucks!

My lil one loves trucks. His interest in trucks started when he turned 1 - exactly a year ago. Don't ask me why. It could be the daily rides to grandmas' homes and back. There are many trucks on the roads these days.

To date, he has 5 big trucks - dump truck, cement truck, rubbish truck, petrol truck and fire engine. If you asks him who drives the fire engine, he will tell you it's "Ah Boy". If you asks him where are his trucks, he will tell you it's parked or rather "Parking" and makes that reverse sound when a car parks. And if you ask him if he wants to be on a truck - he will pause, looks at you and says "No". Ask him why and he will say "Adli takut".



Anonymous said...

danial loves trucks too...he called them his "awie" and not lorry. he's smarter now..thank god!! you have a boy's boy..nasib baik, jah... ; )

Anonymous said...

My girl loves trains! Blame that Thomas the train series - she knows all of the names of his friends too!

Anonymous said...

~ Femme ~

Happy B'day Adli boy! Wait till u come to my office :)

UndomesticQueen said...

Yes yes, Alhamdullilah he is a boy's boy..Sista... i have only one. cannot imagine having 2!