Monday, January 12, 2009

My Resolution

One of the things that I promised myself to do this year is hit the gym.
It's 12 days into the new year and I have not even step foot in the gym.

I have had free lunches and drinks almost everyday since 5 Jan. I spent the weekend at my couz wedding and there was more food.

I was determined to start the day right today, got up really early to pack and managed to do some stretches and sit ups. I even had Weet Bix for breakfast.

Told myself, lunch would be salad.... I had pizza and fried chicken wings instead. *sigh*
How come you ask? Meeting during lunch hour, boss ordered food and she liked fast food and fried stuff. HELP. Will this be a weekly affair I asked? I was told to be prepared to gain weight. Yikes! I cannot afford that!

Got into Bandung this evening and more food. HELP... when will I ever stop eating?!

My alarm clock is set at 530am and I have made an appt with an instructor at 630am tomorrow.
I look forward to seeing the treadmill and sweating it all out tomorrow.

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