Monday, January 26, 2009

A Run in the Park

I woke up this morning with a sudden urge to go for a long run. I do run on some mornings before I head for the office but today, I wanted to run in a park. After breakfast, I told hubby to take us to Bukt Batok Nature Reserve. As the lil one rode on his bike and Abah followed him close, I ran and ran and ran. It was not that long a run but the feeling of sweat running down my back made me happy. Lil' one kept calling me to wait for him.

We have been to Bukit Batok Nature Reserve many times but we have never explored the park. Today, we decided to do just that and I'm glad we did. The serene ambience of the park provides an ideal place for a peaceful walk, to be away from the hustling and bustling of the city and a place where one can just sit down and take in the nature. The picturesque pond while being still tells you that it is alive and to stay away. As I took in the beauty of the park, I do know that we will return to the park again soon and this time round, my lil one will be on his stroller while his mama and Abah run.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Trucks Trucks and more trucks!

My lil one loves trucks. His interest in trucks started when he turned 1 - exactly a year ago. Don't ask me why. It could be the daily rides to grandmas' homes and back. There are many trucks on the roads these days.

To date, he has 5 big trucks - dump truck, cement truck, rubbish truck, petrol truck and fire engine. If you asks him who drives the fire engine, he will tell you it's "Ah Boy". If you asks him where are his trucks, he will tell you it's parked or rather "Parking" and makes that reverse sound when a car parks. And if you ask him if he wants to be on a truck - he will pause, looks at you and says "No". Ask him why and he will say "Adli takut".


Monday, January 12, 2009

My Resolution

One of the things that I promised myself to do this year is hit the gym.
It's 12 days into the new year and I have not even step foot in the gym.

I have had free lunches and drinks almost everyday since 5 Jan. I spent the weekend at my couz wedding and there was more food.

I was determined to start the day right today, got up really early to pack and managed to do some stretches and sit ups. I even had Weet Bix for breakfast.

Told myself, lunch would be salad.... I had pizza and fried chicken wings instead. *sigh*
How come you ask? Meeting during lunch hour, boss ordered food and she liked fast food and fried stuff. HELP. Will this be a weekly affair I asked? I was told to be prepared to gain weight. Yikes! I cannot afford that!

Got into Bandung this evening and more food. HELP... when will I ever stop eating?!

My alarm clock is set at 530am and I have made an appt with an instructor at 630am tomorrow.
I look forward to seeing the treadmill and sweating it all out tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009


I am enjoying motherhood.
However I am unwilling to give up my career or take a step back from my career.
Being a mother certainly have its challenges and the love of a child is hard to describe. It gives me happiness and love that I get from no other.
But monetary rewards, the sense of acomplishments that I get from the work place is rewarding too.....

This 2009

I have to resist the splurge to purchase things that will cost me my future.
I will embrace change - I'll start by taking on a hobby which I have left untouched for a LONG time!