Sunday, August 17, 2008

Office Move

No, your memory does not fail you.
Yes, you have read about an office move on my blog before.
Yes, it is happening again - soon. Apparently in Oct but till today an office space has not been found.

I told a friend I send an email to our "Can We Talk" - an annonymous venue for staff to voice out. It's not annonymous because HR reads it and if they share that email to the management team, how can you call it annonymous. This is not the first time I wrote to them via this channel anyways.

My friend laughed at me when she heard what I told her what I emailed. I don't know what is so amusing but I laughed along with her. She was funny being funny and it worked. I guess the reason why she laughed is because in my email to "Can We Talk" I listed down the following:

- the 2 venues that I suggested - one has lots of European offices and one American offices

- how robust each venue is - this includes upcoming projects and buildings and known brand moving to that area

- the additional costs that staff has to inquire - not a good time because of rising inflation and prices

And of course the part where she laughed out loud:

- the distance from the office space to an MRT station - to be exact about 500m-800m

But they are all good and valid reasons. So all one can do now is wait.


If everything remains at ceteris paribus, then come this date things will change on my end.
I've been thinking about it over the weekend - think hard. Plus I was reading a book called "Tuesdays with Morris" and there are a few things that I read made a lot of sense. I begin to question everything that I do professionally and I asked myself whether I am being selfish. I know I have admitted it before - where professional life is concerned but I also do feel guilty at times. I have been lucky because both parents have been very supportive of me and hubby.

It does not help either when I went to my regular religious class last night, the same issue was raised and the emphasize of having a balance is repeated. I have heard it before, I know it is right but why am I still stuck doing the same thing?

I've decided, come 03-06-09 I have to make one final decision - may be painful and scary but I will have to. Till then, I shall save as much moolah as possible.

Friday, August 01, 2008

Wait For Me!

Lil Adli is picking up lots of words lately.

Every morning, I would carry him up the stairs to the carpark. Sometimes he could climb up the stairs on his own. His father would be waiting for him at the car.

One of the mornings, he wanted Abah to climb up the stairs with him. So he said "Abah... Wait Or me! (as in Wait for me!)"... and this morning he said "Wait or Me! m coming!"

It was so cute but I could not laugh... in case he decides to not say it again :)

An Arrogant Guai Lo

I was introduced to a Guai Lo recently. He works in this industry, a Creative person and based in Malaysia. He came across as someone who likes the attention and super talkative. I never like talkative guys to begin with but I decided to chat this guy up - who knows, we could one day use his expertise, contacts and services should we have some business opportunities in Malaysia. He joined us for lunch. And our conversations went like this - he was seated in front of me...

Guai Lo: Ah, I get these kind of dishes in Malaysia... (he said to everyone at the table)

Me: but this one here is the best. You can't get the same anywhere in Malaysia

Guai Lo: of course you can, it's all Malay food. same

Me: No, they are not the same. This is from Padang.

Guai Lo: Ah, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines, they are all the same. Malay. (all these while, he spoke arrogantly)

I decided to end the conversation because I was very close to saying "Are you saying that all Europeans are the same too? Dutch, German, Swiss?" I figured, I would have created a tense moment then... the best is to ignore such ignorant Guai Los and enjoy my food.