Wednesday, July 25, 2007

My Obit Friend

Ku bentangkan perasaan ku pada mu

Untuk mengadilkan bisikan sukma ku

Ku bentangkan perasaan ku pada mu

Untuk mengadilkan bisikan sukma ku

Andainya kanda pikat asmara

Sudikan dengan jiwa raga ku

Sejak ku bertemu pada mu

Fikiran ku telah terharu

Hanya kekanda yang akan dapat Mengubatkan hati ku rindu!

familiar? Sanisah Huri sang this song

Waaahhhh I like! I found my obit kaki in the office today. She sits quietly in her corner, doing her work and she listens to all these old obit songs! Waaahhhhhh!!!! She looks trendy, exterior va-va-voom but deep down, she is hardcore obit fan!!!!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

A Visit to the Dentist

Had an appointment with a dentist today. The last time I went for a dental check up was late 2005. Last year, I was contemplating of going but as I got bigger and heavier in my pregnancy, I decided to not visit.

I used to like going to the dentist .. until today. I never had any problems with my teeth and gums. But this morning's check up was otherwise. The dentist took 45mins to scale my teeth! It was not painful but my teeth and inner gums were so sensitive that I had to tell the dentist to stop several times. He discovered that I have a cavity but could not treat it today as my gums were bleeding so much. My ordeal is not yet over I have an appointment with him next week.

Meanwhile, he gave me some medicine to treat my gums and an interdental brush for me to brush in between my teeth.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


I have friends who asked me, why do you need a personal trainer? It's a waste of money, you can do it on your own. Thinking about it, yeah, I would rather spend that money on another Coach bag or Kate Spade bag. Or better yet, keep that money for my little one.

But I realized, no matter what I tell myself and how set my mind is, I do give in to the pain that my body feels. That's why I need a personal trainer because he is my cheerleader. He's there to push me for that last few sets of sit ups, bicep curls and for that last few meters on the treadmill.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Facial Done

Massage Done

Gym Done

Yep, I'm on a roll!

Took Friday afternoon off to get my facial done. It was pure bliss... two hours of pampering, massage and sleep! I swear my face is brighter! After facial, went home for a massage session. The tukang urut massaged my whole body for almost 2hrs! The poor lady was burping and burping. I think she was so exhausted after the massage session. Gosh, I feel like I've gone for a major engine overhaul.. body looks great but internal health... not so great. I've been advised to avoid cold drinks, coffee, tea and drink warm water only. Also, she has asked me to add ginger to my drink... this aids digestion and gets rid of the trapped gas in my stomach. I've been burping and farting since Saturday. And I need some caffine!! Sigh.

Today at lunch, I had my first session with my personal trainer. He really made me work and now my thighs and arms are aching. But I have J-Lo picture on my laptop and I do want to have a body like hers. Pain or no pain, I am definitely making my way to the gym this Weds.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Gym Next Week

I went to the gym and sign up for a personal trainer! Did it today and will start next week.
Thunder thighs, chicken wings arms - YOUR DAYS ARE NUMBERED! yeah!

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Exercise, Massage and Facial

Are the 3 things that I want to do so BADLY.

I feel bloated and I know I have lots of wind in my stomach and body (not head!). I know because my poor son farts very often and I am breastfeeding him. While he farts, his mum burps... sometimes it's so loud, you'd probably think there's a cow in the room. The other day, my maid "gua sa" me and left me with bruises, but I felt "lighter".

My face feels dry eventhough I cleanse, tones and moisterize my face daily. The last time I went for a facial was 2 months ago - I need one now!

The only exercise I get to do in the morning is 3 sets of sit ups. If you consider carrying an 8kg baby an exercise, that's fantastic but so far I don't see any muscles yet. I'm trying to find time between 12nn to 2pm on weekdays to head to the gym. I have been busy meeting friends for lunch and expressing in the store room. After work - no time to exercise as I promise myself that I will take care of my boy by 8pm every night. Weekends, it all depends. Sometimes I nurse him at 6am, sometimes at 7am .... and of course to be honest, I want to sleep in whenever possible. My membership at Calfitness ends this month and I'm seeing an instructor this Weds. I promise myself that I'll start exercising next week- I just have to.