Monday, March 26, 2007

Me a Housewife?

I really salute women who give up their careers to be a fulltime mom/ housewife. I don't think I can be one. While I love the idea of being with my son 24/7, I don't like the idea of having to do all the household chores, being indoors on most days and doing other errands daily. Don't get me wrong, I do find time to read, surf the net and watch DVDs but I do need "Me" time and at the moment, I don't get that often. I also need to be around people/ friends to laugh out loud at silly things. Laughing alone is not that fun.

My life is somewhat a routine these past few weeks. Everyday, after feeding and playing with my boy, I will have to quickly do the household chores and prepare dinner. While I love to cook, I find it very tiring having to think of what dishes to prepare for the day. Imagine our mothers doing that daily! Whatever spare time I have, I spent it online reading news or reading up on child's development. If I do have some time before my little one wakes up, I window shop online or go to gossip pages for some latest news. When I leave the house to go for walks with the little one, I feel like a bird... free

On weekends when we go out, I always opt for shopping malls as that's the only time I get to see, touch and feel the clothes, the shoes, the bags, etc. And I always look forward to the weekend. I did try to go shopping with my boy once but I did not go far. At the moment I can handle him on my own but without the pram, the diaper bag and the boy cyring in the back seat of the car. It can be pretty stressful.

To all women who give up your career to be a stay home mom, I really admire the choice you've made.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

SS vs SM

Who would have thought I would call her a friend? I met her, SS 7 years ago. My first impression of her, she was sloppy, abrupt and rude. When I found out that she is from Germany, I thought my impression was right. Then one day we started working together - boy it was horrible initially. Firstly, she's very long-winded. Ask her a question and she does not know when to stop talking. Secondly, she always seek for more info and that infuriated me - its not as if she'd use all the info in the end. She wanted the system to be perfect, orderly - which means more work for all of us and I swear then I would have kicked her. She is too oblivious with whatever that happened around her. Definitely not someone I could go to for any gossip! When we travelled together for work, she was always late and made me wait - each time I would tell her off. SS said I am very stubborn and direct. I told her she is just as stubborn and direct. At one stage I felt we tried hard not to offend each other. Then one day, one of our distributors wanted to take us to lunch and he asked if it was ok for the three of us to have lunch together. We said yes and asked why. He thought we were enemies! Wow... we did not realize the impression we left on others.

Over time, we become fast friends. Deep down I know she is kind, values her friends and she has a pure heart. I know she will leave Singapore eventually but when she told me last week, it came as a surprise. We met for coffee before she left and I told her I would miss her. I never thought I would say such things to her. We promised to keep in touch and knowing her, we will.

Touched By A ....

I had my hair done yesterday - a hair cut and a rebond. It was done by a new hairstylist - I cannot figure out whether the hairstylist is a he or a she. I spent the entire time observing her... him..... err....
She has very sharp nose - at one stage I was tempted to tell her... but I did not want her to think that I was hitting on her. Her eyebrows was nicely plucked and her make up was perfect. Her hair was long, silky smooth and beautiful but her voice was very hoarse. I caught her looking at herself in the mirror several times and each time she pouts. I thought it was quite sexy. She has quite nice lips and I thought I saw some stubbles at her chin... her hands are manly. She does not have a nice body but hey she has nice boobs. And at that time I came to a conclusion that he is a she. Afterall, I couldn't find her Adam's apple - but then again, her neck was quite short and fat.