Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The Orange World

The Orange World... our world, nothing bothered us for 5 years. The company restructured, channel heads were chopped, but the Orange team continued and survived. Whatever challenges given, we took, we run, we made it happened and we grew! Oh yes, we bitched, we vented our frustrations but played hard too - we watched movies during office hours - part of the job, we had an Orange Day Out. We were not bothered with whatever went around us.

December 2005 - The Orange World was forced to grow up and we were separated. It was difficult initially. We lost our colleagues, we cried our hearts out, we couldn't believe this would happen to us. We also realized though that no matter what happened to our world, life continues. We got used to the structure, move on with life. I am happy because my friends/colleagues are still around eventhough not in the same office and hey I got pregnant - the one wish that I've always carried with me.

October 2006 - Just when the dust settles, another shattering news - uncertainty, questions, mess, frustrations and heart aches. Now almost everyone in the Orange World is gone - The people in the Orange World - one of the 2 reasons why I am still here today....

Orange World Friends told me to stay and continue with the Orange Battle, some friends told me to take this time and ponder on my next steps.... deep down, I cannot wait to become a mother and see how that will change my life completely and the ambitious me want to take things to the next level.... work wise, what's coming up looks promising and challenging - the thing is, how much more do I have to do to prove to these guai los that Asians can do it?

1 comment:

noz said...

Sista, once you are officially a mother, your priorities can suddenly change overnight. Its crazy. But its true.