Monday, August 07, 2006

Tiada Rahsia.....

Yes, I did watch the 1hr special... not on TV 3 but on YouTube. I became interested in Siti and Datuk K story about 2 weeks ago when my boss sent me to KL. I had to meet Channel 9 at TV 3 premises.... we had our meeting with the programmers, marketing people and immediately after the meeting, all talks were focused on Siti and the latest development. I was in complete shock - it's like one news flash after another.... wahh... simply unbelievable... I did not have time to digest the news! On the plane, i digested the news and told myself that I am working in such a vicious environment and not good. Told hubby when I got home and he warned me to stop listening to such trash.

The next day at work, I told a colleague and she told another colleague - the viral continued. Then this colleague introduced us to a malaysian website that tells you everything and anything about Malaysian artistes. In my free time, I visited the website and wah wah wah... more news on Siti. My image of this porcelain princess is now so clouded. HELP!

This morning, a colleague told me that she caught the 1hr special. Itchy fingers, itchy hands, itchy backside, we congregate and went to YouTube to watch. I guess that Tiada Rahsia is suitable for the three of us here... we are such suckers for trash!!

babes, if you are reading this, slap me next time if I were to mention about strawberry-chocolate and Pak Besaq.


Anonymous said...

This has got to be the best act of the year.

Anonymous said...

And Best Actress Award goes to ...... Ms Strawberry Shortcake!

noz said...

oi... i saw also... boring seh... set damn cheapo... anyway apa websitenye