Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The story of Kiah, Senah, Jenab and Jah.... Ep 1

Let me introduce you to Senah, Jenab, Kiah and Jah, the handful of Malays in the office. 3 of us have worked in this company for 5 years but we become friends only in this new office. How funny. Senah is fairly new in the office but because she is a joker, everyone goes to her for some comic relief. Jenab is a producer, funny girl. Jah looks like an elder sister to them all but believe it or not, they are all of the same age! And of course Kiah is also known as Zanee O!

Senah, Jenab and Jah are closeted Malay fans. They read URTV, HMI magazines in their room and when they buy the magazines from mamak shop, they carry them in their bags.... so nobody knows. Kiah one day asks Senah, why she buys such magazine, she said, it was for her mom.... rite...like Kiah believes that.

One day, Kiah told Jenab and Senah to bring the mags to the office. While Kiah was out of her room, Senah left the magazines on her table. Soon after, she came and started teasing Kiah. Excuse me, Kiah reads trash but she will not spend her money on such trash. Kiah reads People, Hello and New Woman.... ahem...

Get My Name Right!

I don't understand why people cannot get my name right. They claimed that the "Y" in my name is difficult to pronounce. If you cannot pronounce my name right, don't even bother attempting it in the first place. Why can't they just ask me straight up?

When I was handling India, everyone in the India office called me Mansor... and I corrected them several times. It came to a point where I refused to even reply to emails because i was very annoyed. When they finally met me, of course all were surprised to see a female instead of a male and then I got my name right. Another experience in India, I was held at customs because I had some tapes with me. The immigration officer insisted that I am Indian because Mansor is an Indian name (!). Because he had my passport, I gave in and admitted to being an Indian! Not only am I an Indian, I am also a male in India! Gosh.

I guess my dad's name is easier to pronounce and off they go calling me that. This morning, I had several deadlines to meet and I received this call from Stan Chard wanting to offer some new card deals. The conversation went like this:

Caller: Hi! Can I speak to Mrs Mansor?
Me: You want to speak to my mother? (my mom sometimes give my number to people). What is this regarding?
Caller: Oh no... I want to speak to saiyai....
Me: (*rolled eyes) SYAHRIZAN you mean?!
Caller: hehehe.... yes.
Me: It's not funny. She is busy and not interested. goodbye

See, if you are a sales/marketing person, pronounce my name right. I am super fussy and you rub me the wrong way, there goes your business or potential to get any business from me.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Durian Queen

I love durians. Of late, I have been eating lots of durians. Yum.

When we were young and whenever we "balik kampung", we never failed to have a durian feast - be it along the road on the way to visit my relatives, with cousins, at every meal - breakfast, tea, dinner, supper and we even went to dusun durian to eat! Simply memorable. My late father used to remind us to not drink tea after a durian feast. Something to do with the chemical mix and how it will give you a headache.

Do you know that there are many ways to eat durian? You can make lempok durian - easy to make but takes a lot of time. I remembered making lempok durian with my grandaunt in Medan. The old lady took 2 days to make it. You can also make lempoyak durian - you mix this with sambal belachan and eat this with lauk lemak. Wah... shiok.

My favorite is eating durian with rice - yep. All you need is plain rice, water, a pinch of salt, sugar and durian - mix them all together. Alternatively, you can replace rice with glutinous rice and water with coconut milk. I normally eat this after a meal - like your dessert. The latter is soooo good that within 5 mins you'll start looking for your bed. Macam ular....zzzzz....

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

I Wanna Be an Ang Mo

I don't always watch MTV channel - I'm past that age.

Anyway, caught the hosted links - VJ Fazura and VJ Colby. Colby is ang mo and of course the first one is notlah. Wah wah wah....... she speaks with an American accent sey. You see, if I have never heard her speak English before, I would have thought that hey, she probably studied or grew up in the states. But I have heard her before and the minute I heard her speak with an accent, I could not believe it. First, she was trying hard to follow what Colby was saying and was probably in her mind thinking of how to respond to him. She was probably rehearsing in her head, how can i say this out properly? Secondly, her sentences were short, Colby was doing all the talking and she could not interject anyway. She was not a natural. She was making faces, smiling and smiling - No substance.

This is such a perfect opportunity for her to extend her reach to non-Malay audience and her performance to me is a turn off. Why can't she just be her true self, speak as per normal and stay true to her identity?

Oh well, I'm known to voice out my opinion. I'm definitely voicing this one out to the producer and the C&C head.

Monday, July 10, 2006

A Dummies / Idiot Guide To....

Have you come across this book? I saw this book ages ago and i thought it was meant for IT professionals only. I hate the title by the way, don't like to be associated with the title. Yes, where image is concerned, I am quite particular.

Guess what, image aside, I actually borrowed this dummies guide book from a library recently. And it has nothing to do with IT related topics. I needed to read about pregnancy and I want a book that is very comprehensive. I found several but mostly they are very UK/ Europe focused except for this Dummies Guide to Being Pregnant. I have to admit, it is a very good book, very comprehensive.

My initial reaction was, "how do I walk out of the library with this book?" As I read the cover page, I realized that 50 million copies of this book have been sold worldwide. At least I know I am not the only idiot reading this... there are 50 million idiots out there and I am joining that group!