Tuesday, January 08, 2013


I was looking forward to the circuit training session during lunch hour. All geared up - happy that the place I was going to is pretty close to the office, I've missed using those machines at the gym and hey it's circuit training - great workout!
The minute I stepped out of the lift to the 3rd floor, I could feel my excitement slowly diminished. As I entered the gym..... it was a real disappointment for me. It's not the kind of gym that I'd go...

The only good thing is, I did do the circuit training and I was drenched in sweat. I must have burnt like 300 -400 calories.

Let's just say, I definitely DO NOT want to be associated with the aunties and "ah sos" again!
Yes,  those aunties had short curly hair and I'm pretty sure they do line dancing in the evening!!!!

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