Sunday, December 20, 2009

Third Time Unlucky

Some people say, all unlucky things happen in 3s. I guess this time round, it's true.

I sent my 3rd maid back to the agency yesterday. Yes, my third. Since Tutik left in July, I had 3 maids - each lasted for about 6-8 weeks. The last one - 2 weeks.
Each time I sent a maid back, I'll analyse every single situation - could it be me, my mom, the workload or the maid?!!

The first one was hardworking, but she's too smart to my mom's liking. When mom commented on her work, she'll give mom her opinion and will pull a face. We decided to send her back.

The second one is in her own world. We called her "hantu dapur" and will stay in the kitchen all the time. When you speak to her, she just stares at you and walk off. Very bizarre. I sometimes wonder what she's thinking off. Mom had enough because mom ended up doing most of the housework while she stayed in the kitchen. She did not cook - mom does the cooking. She finds comfort hiding in the kitchen we feel.

The final one.... she's full of pretenses and is a smartass. She will do well when you stand to look, the minute you walk away, she does a half ass job. Most frustrating example, I told her to clear the dishes after dinner. She did, and instead of washing the dishes, she used my dish cloth to clean the bowls! I was so lost for words! And she takes 3 hrs to iron 12 pieces of clothes!!!

Yesterday, mom called crying. Chest pains from stress. The maid decided to pull on a long face - because I reprimanded her the day before. I sent her back within 4hrs.

Now I am maidless again. Yes, I do not need a maid. I took a maid to accompany mom - that was the only reason. With the lil' one, having a maid to help mom out was necessary. Luckily for us, my lil one is off to daycare/ nursery on Jan 4th.
Mom looked so much happier this morning.

Next, I'll just get a part time helper to come on weekends and help mom with her housework.


noz said...

waaah good for you... susah jugak eh?

UndomesticQueen said...

susah sista.... but i still worry for mom when she's alone at home.