Monday, July 28, 2008


The gamilan music was playing nicely in the background.
The dishes were served - everything looked really yummy.
The dessert table looked amazing, there were so many different kinds of kuehs, I saw my favorite putri salad.... told myself to leave some space in my tummy for that later.
I had my nasi briani and dalca ready... was about to eat when I heard the hadra
I looked up and the first thing I saw was the barongan.

I never liked Barongan - the first time I went to see a Barongan when I was in Bali - like 10 years ago. I remembered that night, I could not sleep well - had disturbing dreams.

I did not bother finishing my briani and neither did I take my putri salad. Instead, I carried my little one away and stayed behind a wall... looking at the nicely spread dessert and soon after left the wedding ceremony.


Anonymous said...

I never knew that it still existed in Singapore!!?? Doesn't it have strong elements of trance and totemic worship that depict the dance of a hybrid (or mystical multifaceted) creature of diverse my life I only saw it when I was wee young - for National day in the 1970s...last one I saw was when a guy went into a trance and started to chase someone in the crowd with an eerie maniacal laugh...that was scary and that image still remains with me......hope you and son were fine....


UndomesticQueen said...

we are fine. Adli was curious and wanted to see but I think he got distracted by the hadra.

mother got distracted by the kuehs... nice to see.