Friday, February 08, 2008

Listen to Your Instincts

I was working on my presentation on the eve of Chinese New Year when my laptop decided to die on me. It hung and suddenly, the screen went black. I thought the battery was too hot or something and left it as that. Next day, I got an error message. Hubby a techie guy decided to help me... he did all he could but there was nothing he could do to retrieve any of my data.

The thing is, a few days before this happened, I could feel that something was wrong and my instinct told me to get it checked before I leave the office on Weds. I continued to finish as much work as possible and thought nothing of it. Now that the laptop has gone kaput, I guess it is my fault. I had called the IS guy and thankfully, he'll be seeing me tomorrow. Hubby said need the start up disk and the OS is corrupted. Can be saved but need the disk. Gosh, that sounds really alien to me.

Looks like I will be working on my presentation again on Sunday. This time I have to start from scratch... unless a miracle happens tomorrow and I get my data back.


Anonymous said...

OH DEAR ZAN! I would firstly start bawling my eyes out for losing all of my hard worked !@#!#$!#$$%# presentation and data......then just accept grudgingly the cards you are dealt with and work with what you have. Sounds to me like you need a BIG HUG - *HUGS* from me!

UndomesticQueen said...

thanks dearie. I needed one badly but am ok now. I am a bit nervous that I don't have all my data in my c drive but I will learn to live with it.