Monday, May 21, 2007

Techno Savvy

I would like to be techno savvy. Well, at least I thought I was until last evening.
Today, you have heard of blogs, podcast, WAP enabled phones and my friends it took me some time to really understand what they mean. Imagine, it took me 2 years to stay away from a blackberry and another 2 weeks to figure out how to use it. When I started to blog, I had fun, then I felt I needed to upload some pictures. Just when I've figured that out, my friends started uploading music to their blogs.. now I have to figure out how to do that too. Yesterday just when I thought I know some stuff already, I learnt a new one - moblog... ha you ask me, it's actually blogging on your mobile phones! So sophisticated eh. Ask me more, I will tell you that I don't know. Just when I thought I want to go blog, I ended up feeling goblok!


Anonymous said...


U are not alone... i also dunno moblog, mop long i know :-)

Anonymous said...

*hehehehehehehehhe* Me STILL outdated leh on this...good thing for having a techno-savvy hubby *Grin*


noz said...

haha this one very funnie. Now we can create pantun with blog, moblog, goblog