Friday, December 15, 2006

My Most Memorable Trip in 2006

It has to be the New York trip in February. It was still cold when I got there - freezing. I was as usual stopped at the immigration because I have a Muslim surname *sigh* but when I told them that I work for the Orange World, the immigration officer started talking about the sweepstakes that was happening that weekend. I listened, gave him my darlie smile and off I go.

I like being in big cities and if I have my way, I would go to all big cities for my hols. Unfortunately (or fortunately) I don't always get my way. Anyway!

The NY trip was a busy one - back to back meetings, conferences to attend, dinners with our colleagues in NY, shopping and absorbing city scenes. But that was not the highlight of my trip.

It was the snow storm that I experienced. Apparently it was the second biggest snow storm in NY. The snow was thigh high and it crippled the transporation system. It was also the same day that I was supposed to fly out. Everyone started talking about the snow storm and I thought, how bad could it be right? On our (my colleague and I) left early for the airport and by the time we got there, the roads were soon covered with snow and it was a beautiful sight. Deep down, I was wondering if it was safe for the flight to take off.

We got on the plane and stayed there for the next 6 hrs! The engine was de-iced 3 times and by the time the plane was ready to take off, the weather was so bad that we had to stay for another night in NY. We were sent to a nearby hotel at 4am and told to get ready the next morning at 8am for our flight. It did not happen. All the airports were closed, flights cancelled and that's when I also realized Americans cannot handle crisis and their service shucks big time.

Despite being tired and grouchy, my colleague and I became kids once again, we threw ourselves at the snow, played snow balls, built snow man, admiring the beautiful white fluff, got our ass, hands and ears frozen! It was just so awesome.

I woke up to this milk white morning... taken from my hotel room....

We walked around the hotel... no where else to go....

Check out the snow behind me!


Anonymous said...

oh wow! did you taste it? heh heh...

UndomesticQueen said...

of coz lah! my lips went numb!