Monday, August 28, 2006

The story of Kiah, Senah, Jenab and Jah.... Ep 2

The long awaited episode 2. It's difficult to get all the talents together. In this episode, Jenab has gone missing.

Senah, Kiah and Jah had breakfast this morning. Jah was giving us the lowdown on Siti's wedding while Senah gave Kiah the lowdown on Mawi and Ina. Obviously Kiah is in her own world last night.... oh yes, she was watching the Emmys :)

Anyhow, everyone got really excited and animated. Senah and Jah found out that Kiah is traveling to KL tomorrow for work. Kiah is now tasked to buy the story book about Siti and Datuk K's love, newspapers, magazines that has Siti and Datuk K in it and worst, Senah unashamedly asked Kiah to get a copy of the live TX from TV 3... since Kiah is meeting up with them!

You see, Kiah does not buy Malay tabloids... looks like she'll do it tomorrow. Should she disguise herself as a Puan Benot or should she pretend that she is now back in Malaysia on holiday and catching up on local happenings....
Knowing Kiah, she's probably will get her friends to buy them for her. Rest assured Senah and Jah, you'll get your magazines on Thursday!

Goodbye Cannon IXUS

We had our office warming party last week. It was a great party - great turn out, fantastic band performance, great food, the staff loved it because there was lots of booze. I enjoyed it because our partners came, ex-colleagues and friends joined us and of course I always enjoy watching staff doing silly things as they get drunk. Hey, it must have been damn good because our party was featured on Sunday's New Paper!

I was not the photographer but chose to bring my camera and take my own shots. I had my camera with me the entire evening. At midnite, when the party ended, we had a "family" photo taken and I remembered passing my camera to the cameraman. And then I don't know what happened. On my way home, I remembered that I left it at the counter and of course by then the camera was gone.

I was really upset and all hubby said was ..."I can't scold you because you are pregnant... it's OK" It's not OK because I bought that camera for hubby for our 2nd wedding anniversary. I insisted on getting him a new one and did suggest some other brands. Hubby finally agreed but requested for another Canon....we are getting one this Friday at the PC show.

I told hubby today that I must have done something really wrong at the party and as a punishment, I lost the camera. He just smiled. It must be true.... *sigh*

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Enjoy the Ride ....

My work requires me to travel. I don't travel as much as I used to - which is great! You do get tired after a while and when you travel on a holiday, I sometimes feel like I have to quickly leave the airport. Hubby is annoyed when that happens.

Anyhow, I am in Manila this week. When I make the decision to go to Manila, I told hubby and he was fine with it. I had to ask gynea and he said, "why are you always traveling?" But he's OK with me traveling. I had to tell my mom and of course being a mother she worries! When my colleagues found out, they asked if I could travel... In Manila, my colleagues treat me like I'm an invalid. They carry my bags and held me when I come out of the car. When I told them I was going to Glorietta to buy some stuff, they made one of the junior staff to follow me.... and the mall is just 5mins away! I know it's sweet but really I am fine!

I guess the best treatment came from my GM. He actually carried all my bags and paper bags and shoo-ed me off to go on my own. I was embarrased initially but he told me to enjoy the ride because come Feb 07, I'm sure things will go back to normal.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


I learned that word during my first trimester..... Javanese word *sigh* Slowly picking up all these words. Not sure if I like them. Time really flies and my body has changed too... I'm starting to show and according to some colleagues my boobs are bigger... I compared them to Tyra Bank's... I sure have a long way to go!

So the first three months was slow and I was such a LAZY bum! All I wanted to do was sleep, sleep and more sleep. Ironically, I used to think that taking a nap in the afternoon and sleeping in was a waste of time! Hubby said, "asyik nglembor ajer"... found out that nglembor means sleep. Of course then some old folks say, I'm going to get a girl because of that. How interesting....

Now that I am in my second trimester, I feel that I can do anything and everything. I get up early to pack breakfast for hubby and prepare dinner before leaving for work. I clean, wash and do the ironing. You hardly see that 2 months ago. Of course parents, hubby and friends continue to tell me don't do this and that. Cannotlah. I need to keep myself occupied.

Question is, what happens once I move to the next trimester? Will I go back to being nglembor and feel like a beach whale?

Monday, August 07, 2006

Tiada Rahsia.....

Yes, I did watch the 1hr special... not on TV 3 but on YouTube. I became interested in Siti and Datuk K story about 2 weeks ago when my boss sent me to KL. I had to meet Channel 9 at TV 3 premises.... we had our meeting with the programmers, marketing people and immediately after the meeting, all talks were focused on Siti and the latest development. I was in complete shock - it's like one news flash after another.... wahh... simply unbelievable... I did not have time to digest the news! On the plane, i digested the news and told myself that I am working in such a vicious environment and not good. Told hubby when I got home and he warned me to stop listening to such trash.

The next day at work, I told a colleague and she told another colleague - the viral continued. Then this colleague introduced us to a malaysian website that tells you everything and anything about Malaysian artistes. In my free time, I visited the website and wah wah wah... more news on Siti. My image of this porcelain princess is now so clouded. HELP!

This morning, a colleague told me that she caught the 1hr special. Itchy fingers, itchy hands, itchy backside, we congregate and went to YouTube to watch. I guess that Tiada Rahsia is suitable for the three of us here... we are such suckers for trash!!

babes, if you are reading this, slap me next time if I were to mention about strawberry-chocolate and Pak Besaq.