Sunday, March 03, 2013

Bahasa Melayu Meets Mandarin

I remembered telling Abang in various conversations/ situations that lying is not good and berdosa.

On our way home, I took a wrong turn and when he asked I said I wanted to introduce him to a new route.

He said "Mama, putosa tau kalau bohong!"

Me: Putosa?? Apa tu?

Abang: Putosa lah... Allah marah kalau cakap bohong!

Me: Leerrr.... it's BERDOSA! Not Putosa!


He Listens

In a car ride with Abang one day I told him that I am getting older each day and would he look after me when he's older.

Abang: of course lah mama. I will buy a house next to yours if not in the same block
Me: *smiling* awww... do you really want to do that?

I went on to say that it's important to help your parents money when you start work. It does not have to be a big sum but a small token is good too. Dapat berkat. Gave him examples of how my late father would send money every month to my grandma in Penang, how both me and hubby contribute to our own moms today.

He was silent and then he said -

Abang: I want to give "yoyot" (great grandma) money when I see her

Me: huh "yoyot"?

Him: Yeah, you say must help old people right and Yoyot is old

Me: OK. How much do you want to give

Him: I have $120 you know

Me: So much? Where did you get that from

Him: Nenek and Nyai lah. for my birthday. I think I'll give yoyot $100

Me: $100!! So much?

Him: Yeah. I don't need that much now.

Me: Speechless
