Monday, March 31, 2008


There is a variety show on TV called K-Nite... production quality is crap, content is not brilliant but it sure is entertaining! Last night, I caught some of it and they had some old Melayu rock songs.... wahhh beb, I like. My mom was amused because I could sing along - told her the lyrics is on the screen but she asked, how come you can still sing to it? hahah.... i've been singing in the car with hubby. Hubby is not a mat rocker but grew up listening to the same songs :)

Then it reminded me to the karaoke session/s that my ex -colleagues (now good friends) had years ago. I cannot remember which karaoke lounge we went too but I sure can remember clearly the wannabes, the mike grabber and the most requested song - I WILL SURVIVE. Wah, those were the days!

So gals, when is our next session?

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

A Day in My Neighbouring Country

Today I was in JB - not for leisure but to finalize some long overdue matter.
The plan was to do everything chop chop and try to squeeze in some shopping in the afternoon. I guess the word "chop chop" does not mean anything to our friendly neighbours. I started off the day telling the custom supervisor off. You know me and punctuality. We have an appt with the lawyer at 930am and we got to the immigration counter at 9am. Little did I know that there was going to be an issue. I was told to wait - so I waited. The immigration officer who took my passport away stood right in the middle of the room listening to his colleague's conversation! Tick Tock... 5 mins. What did I do? "Saudara! Cepat sikit boleh tak?! Apahal terdiri kat situ tengok orang lain?!" His supervisor came out and our little drama began. Managed to get things done in 2mins and off we go.

We got to the Land office on time... and ended up waiting for our turn for the next 3 hrs! You wanna know why? People in the office are like snails, everything moves soooooooooooooooooo slowly. Some dragged their feet, some were oblivious to their surroundings - they sms, chat on the phone, hid behind the piles of files and daydream! Goodness me, I feel like smacking each and everyone of them! We were sent from one office to another and every single office that we went to, everyone took their own sweet time. There was no sense of urgency in their work and I feel that everything is so messy! Gosh.

We finally settled what we had to do at 4pm! By then I was too tired to shop. But mom wanted to go to Angsana to buy some stuff for the home... and I? hehe... i bought some Korean silk - there was a SALE!

Monday, March 24, 2008

A Muslim No More....

Recently I read an article about this editor who converted to become a Catholic. He was born a Muslim and even performed the Haj with his mom in 1990s. He is not young - a man in his 50s. He claimed that he was not a practising Muslim, does not pray 5 times a day, does not fast during Ramadan. The first thing that came to mind was, he did not even give Islam a chance. That 50 years of his life, never did he once give his attention and dedication to the religion - how sad is that? While I know that everyone has a choice and will go with their choices, I cannot help but feel sad to read such an article.